Distant Craniosacral Therapy
Nervous system support and resourcing online
Service Description
Quantum science shows that each of us is a biomagnetic field, and that each of us is an integral part of the wider universal electro-magnetic field. Quantum science also demonstrates that everything, every person, every subatomic particle, is connected in a time-space continuum. In Quantum science this is known as non-locality. Quantum science therefore shows us that we can connect with anyone or anything, anywhere in the universe - and what determines that connection is our focus of attention, our consciousness. While Cranio-Sacral Integration in person works to support the anatomy and physiology of your physical body, you can also benefit from this at a distance.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel your booking: Email support@intotheflow.net or Call/Text 510-930-2288. Bookings cancelled within 48 hours of the scheduled appointment time, WILL be charged the full session. Bookings cancelled prior to 48 hours of the scheduled appointment time will be refunded with an administrative fee. As a small business owner, I appreciate your respect for my time and for allowing others the opportunity to take your appointment if you are unable to attend.
Contact Details
+ 5109302228
Catharine Brook Anderson, Craniosacral and Coaching, Berkeley Way, Berkeley, CA, USA